Fixed orthodontics
do you know them all?

Orthodontics is a speciality within dentistry that deals with the study, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of anomalies in the form, position, relationship and function of dental structures.

Its aim is to diagnose, prevent and treat possible alterations and maintain them in good health in a harmonious way through the use and control of forces.

What types of orthodontics exist according to treatment

Interceptive orthodontics

It is performed on children during the primary (“milk”) or mixed dentition. It is indicated to correct incipient alterations of malocclusion (irregular contact of the upper teeth with the lower teeth).

It aims to contribute positively to the development of a harmonious, functional and aesthetic permanent dentition, as well as harmful habits such as:

  • Thumb suction
  • Nail biting
  • Dummy
  • Suction of the lower lip
  • Artificial breastfeeding
  • Mouth breathing
  • Habit re-education
  • Palate expansion
  • Missing teeth
  • Orthodontics for children
Corrective orthodontics

It is performed when it is necessary to correct some type of established malocclusion. It is carried out on young people and adults to resolve possible malocclusions and facial morphology and aesthetics.

There are several types of corrective orthodontics:

  • Fixed orthodontics
  • Invisible Orthodontics: Invisalign
  • Removable orthodontics

BRACKETS are the best known and most widely used.

Fixed orthodontics consists of several elements: bands, brackets, ligature tubes and archwires which, once placed on the teeth, transmit the necessary forces to produce the desired movements.


  • Malpositions
  • Rotated teeth
  • Closing tooth spaces
  • Malocclusion

Types of brackets

  • Metal brackets:
    The most conventional and the first to hit the market.
  • Sapphire brackets:
    They are transparent, crystalline. The only metal part is the arch. They are aesthetically pleasing and just as effective as metal ones.
  • Porcelain brackets:
    They were the first aesthetic brackets to hit the market. Opaque white in colour, similar to teeth.
  • Lingual or incognito braces:
    These are the ones that are placed on the inside of the teeth. They are custom-made for each patient.
  • Self-ligating brackets or Diamond system:
    These are the brackets that allow faster movements, which can save us time in treatment and create more spaces to align the teeth, so that sometimes it is not necessary to perform extractions. Al mismo tiempo no es necesario utilizar ligaduras (que suelen ser metálicas o de goma, nos sirven para “ligar” el arco metálico al bracket) con lo que aparecen menos llagas y rozaduras en la boca durante el tratamiento.